Yesterday was the 10th of Muharam, that is the day Imam Hussein was killed brutally along with his family.We woke up eraly to attend the majlis at the Mosque . It was a long and tragic majlis, the Sheikh told the whole story of what happend . How Imam Hussein asked for water but did not get any how Abo fadl al abbas went to get water for the women and children but were killed on the way. These events would make a stoneheart cry. When I got home I still felt as I needed to hear more to feel with mawlati Fatimah al Zahra for her son Imam hussein. So we went to another majlis at a freinds house. If you want to read more about Ahsura and the heroes of Ashura you can go to or Although yesterday was the 10th of muharam, the mourning peroid is not over yet. Beisides who decides when it end. We have Imam Hussein and AhluAlbayt in our hearts wherever and whenever.The love for them is not just to say yea I love them , no its to actually feel the pain in your heart to cry as you cry ifyou would loose someone. So ashura is not over yet . There is still the majalis about what happend to Sayeda Zeinab, how she was taken as a hostage to Yazid along with all the other women and children of bani Hashem. How she stood up for the religion. I will try to post her famous speach...
So for now take care :)
måndag 28 december 2009
fredag 25 december 2009
Små och stora Företag e inte över än:P
Latley I've been busy with attending he ashura ceremonies, it's been quite refreshing and nice to see everyone again. Yesterday was Alkasims day, Imam hassan's son, I think the shekh did a good job in retelling the events cause he made almost everyone cry. Moving on , I've picked up a bad habit :S , I go to sleep at 4am lool yea u heard me,I actully blame me sister umzahra because she calls me like at 12 and says come up lets "fika" and talk . Well it's really fun anyways. I found a poem online:( about Imam hussein by
A poem for Imam hussein is what I'm going to read
For I know this is by far the greatest deed
My love for you ya Imam is so true
I will shout Ya Hussein , heartbroken if you only knew
And my tears will drop in vain for you
You are so close to my heart
from it you will never depart
You were born on the 3rd of Shaaban
You were a gift from the rahman
You father was Alhaydar
the man who lifted door of khjbar
He was the first Imam
And the first who embraced Islam
A poem for Imam hussein is what I'm going to read
For I know this is by far the greatest deed
My love for you ya Imam is so true
I will shout Ya Hussein , heartbroken if you only knew
And my tears will drop in vain for you
You are so close to my heart
from it you will never depart
You were born on the 3rd of Shaaban
You were a gift from the rahman
You father was Alhaydar
the man who lifted door of khjbar
He was the first Imam
And the first who embraced Islam
fredag 18 december 2009
While the rest of the world is preparing for Christmas and New Year, muslims all over the world are welcoming Ashura, with mourning to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain – son of Imam Ali and grandson of Prophet Mohammad. Over 1200 years ago, in the desert of Karbala, in present day Iraq, Imam Hussain and his small band of relatives and supporters sacrificed their lives for Islam, it was a battle between good and eveil. Men, Women and children voluntarily allowed themselves to be subjected to hunger, thirst, humiliation and death on the burning sands of Karbala because they knew that Imam Hussain stood for righteousness. Little wonder that for over 1200 years Muslims, have been nurturing the tale of Karbala in their hearts like a fire that can not settle.
Today I was at my first majlis, it was so empowering. When I hear the name Hussein I feel las if my heart was an open wound that wont ever heal. Many of you may wonder why we mourn someone who died 1200 years ago? We dont mourn for “someone” who died. We mourn for the grandson of our holy Prophet SAW Imam Hussain AS who was martyred along with his family and friends to save Islam. We mourn every year to remind the the world about this great sacrifice and that the martyrs are still alive in our hearts. My dear friends we will continue to mourn in Moharam until the judgement day....
Marknadsför ditt företag
Today I was at my first majlis, it was so empowering. When I hear the name Hussein I feel las if my heart was an open wound that wont ever heal. Many of you may wonder why we mourn someone who died 1200 years ago? We dont mourn for “someone” who died. We mourn for the grandson of our holy Prophet SAW Imam Hussain AS who was martyred along with his family and friends to save Islam. We mourn every year to remind the the world about this great sacrifice and that the martyrs are still alive in our hearts. My dear friends we will continue to mourn in Moharam until the judgement day....
Marknadsför ditt företag
torsdag 17 december 2009
Was Working to 12.00 and then I went to nana , it was fun to just talk about everything, I tend to forget how much fun we have togheter .I just came home from the mosque, not so many people but nice anyway. 13 days of ashura will surely reimpower my soul and I hope yours too. So now the fashion tips is black!! Wearing black is just another way of mourning and showing respect to your Imam. I will probably write about ashura tomorrow since its day 1, I am afraid I wont do him justice but I will try my best and inshalla ahul al bayt will understand :)
Marknadsför ditt företag
Marknadsför ditt företag
Du kan visa dina annonser för ditt företag på Google och i vårt annonsnätverk oavsett budget. Du betalar bara när någon klickar på dina annonser.
Du skapar annonser och väljer sökord som passar ditt företag, det vill säga ord eller fraser som är relaterade till ditt företag
När någon söker på Google med något av dina sökord kanske din annons visas bredvid sökresultatet. Du annonserar nu för en målgrupp som redan är intresserad.
onsdag 16 december 2009
Att starta ett nytt företag
MY DAY=I was working all day today and when I got home my sister had a mini-birthday, it was quite fun :D As you might have noticed I've changed the apperance of my blog, this is due to ashura. Although Ashura is a time of sorrow and grief, I'm still glad it's finally here. The reason is that Ashura makes u reconnect with your beloved Imam and religion. In upcoming contributions I will post information about Imam hussein and his Life. And for now I say Welcome Ashura.
(PS: This does not mean that I will not write about företag hahah sorry, but I promise to be brief:P)
Webbsidor som hjälper dig med ditt FÖRETAG
* http://www.nyfö
Finns på fler än än 100 orter i Sverige. Med hjälp från ett NyföretagarCentrum kan Du som funderar på ett eget företag få kostnadsfri, objektiv och konfidentiell rådgivning Företag som har startat via NyföretagarCentrum har förberett sin start noga och är bättre rustade .för att bli uthålliga företag på marknaden. Mötesplats för företagare som vill starta eget företag eller som driver eget bolag. Massor med tips, affärsidéer och länkar!
Svenska Sidor För Företag Internetsatsningar för små företag
www. Hjälp vid eget företags startande
http://www.egetfö Hjälp vid eget företags startande Affärsidéer mm.
(PS: This does not mean that I will not write about företag hahah sorry, but I promise to be brief:P)
Webbsidor som hjälper dig med ditt FÖRETAG
* http://www.nyfö
Finns på fler än än 100 orter i Sverige. Med hjälp från ett NyföretagarCentrum kan Du som funderar på ett eget företag få kostnadsfri, objektiv och konfidentiell rådgivning Företag som har startat via NyföretagarCentrum har förberett sin start noga och är bättre rustade .för att bli uthålliga företag på marknaden. Mötesplats för företagare som vill starta eget företag eller som driver eget bolag. Massor med tips, affärsidéer och länkar!
Svenska Sidor För Företag Internetsatsningar för små företag
www. Hjälp vid eget företags startande
http://www.egetfö Hjälp vid eget företags startande Affärsidéer mm.
tisdag 15 december 2009
Hjälp ditt Företag
I had a good day, went to uni and came home quickly it was nice to se everyone again, Bojo wasnt there so that was a bummer;s Anyways I have not alot to say actually , I spoke to my mum for over n hour on SkYPE, I love skype its soo good. I love my mum she is hilarious, she is the classiest person Ive ever met but at the same time when she's talking to me she is so funny and relaxed. I think its important to have a good relationship with your parents, . Islam is very keen on keeping a good relationship with your parents, to respect and obey ( mostly):P.I must say I'm blessed to have a father and a mother that really cares about me ;)
Hjälp ditt företag :
Hur får man starta eget bidrag för ditt förtag?
Du ansöker om det genom att beskriva din affärsidé för ditt företag och lämna beskrivningen till arbetsförmedlingen, som med hjälp av ekonomiskt sakkunniga konsulter tar ställning till om du har förutsättningar för att bedriva verksamheten och om övriga villkor är uppfyllda.
Hur länge får man starta eget bidrag?
Stöd lämnas normalt under högst sex månader. Förlängning kan endast göras på grund av sjukdom eller att myndighetstillstånd, som behövs för verksamheten, blivit försenat.
Hur mycket får man i starta eget bidrag?
Den som är berättigad till ersättning från arbetslöshetskassa får aktivitetsstöd motsvarande arbetslöshetsersättningen, dock lägst 320 kronor per dag för heltid. Den som inte uppfyller villkoren för ersättning från arbetslöshetskassa får aktivitetstöd med 223 kronor per dag.
Hemligt Tips
Det är inte svårt att få starta eget bidrag om du kan visa:
En bra affärsplan
En övertygande marknadsplan
Andra tankar som visar att du är rätt person att få bidraget.
Hjälp ditt företag :
Hur får man starta eget bidrag för ditt förtag?
Du ansöker om det genom att beskriva din affärsidé för ditt företag och lämna beskrivningen till arbetsförmedlingen, som med hjälp av ekonomiskt sakkunniga konsulter tar ställning till om du har förutsättningar för att bedriva verksamheten och om övriga villkor är uppfyllda.
Hur länge får man starta eget bidrag?
Stöd lämnas normalt under högst sex månader. Förlängning kan endast göras på grund av sjukdom eller att myndighetstillstånd, som behövs för verksamheten, blivit försenat.
Hur mycket får man i starta eget bidrag?
Den som är berättigad till ersättning från arbetslöshetskassa får aktivitetsstöd motsvarande arbetslöshetsersättningen, dock lägst 320 kronor per dag för heltid. Den som inte uppfyller villkoren för ersättning från arbetslöshetskassa får aktivitetstöd med 223 kronor per dag.
Hemligt Tips
Det är inte svårt att få starta eget bidrag om du kan visa:
måndag 14 december 2009
Små och Stora Företag är inte över än:P
Right now I'm babysitting my nephews cause my sister has a test I hope she does well, back to the kids, one is almost 7 and the other I beleive is almost 3. An age differene but they are both full of energy. We just baked "rulltårta", it turned out quite good considering the fact that I don't BAKE, but i had to do something to keep them from destroying the house :p . Tomorrow I'm back ar UNi, it will be nice to see everyone again , it has been 2 weeks since I saw my classmates. Other than that my daýs have been quite relaxing, wel you could sa tht, cause I've done nothing:P I know I have to study and work on my analysis but my mind is refusing:P:P
How's your day been???
Bidrag för Ditt nya Företag!
How's your day been???
Bidrag för Ditt nya Företag!
Starta eget bidrag är ett stöd som ges till arbetslösa som inte kan få ett arbete och som bedöms ha förutsättningar för att starta ett eget företag. Egentligen heter det inte starta eget bidrag utan stöd till start av näringsverksamhet.
Villkor för starta eget bidrag
* Stödet får lämnas till den som är arbetslös eller riskerar bli arbetslös och är arbetssökande på Arbetsförmedlingen från den dag han eller hon fyller 25 år.
* Stöd kan också ges till personer som är bosatta inom ett stödområde även om de inte är arbetslösa.
* Unga med funktionshinder som medför nedsatt arbetsförmåga kan få ta del av stödet innan de har fyllt 25 år.
* Anvisning får även göras för personer som fyllt 20 år, om de uppfyller villkoren för att få särskilt anställningsstöd i form av instegsjobb enligt förordningen (1997:1275) om anställningsstöd.
* Stödet lämnas endast till den som bedöms ha goda förutsättningar att driva företag och om verksamheten bedöms få en tillfredsställande lönsamhet och ge varaktig sysselsättning. Vidare får stödet inte snedvrida konkurrensförutsättningarna för annan verksamhet.
Villkor för starta eget bidrag
* Stödet får lämnas till den som är arbetslös eller riskerar bli arbetslös och är arbetssökande på Arbetsförmedlingen från den dag han eller hon fyller 25 år.
* Stöd kan också ges till personer som är bosatta inom ett stödområde även om de inte är arbetslösa.
* Unga med funktionshinder som medför nedsatt arbetsförmåga kan få ta del av stödet innan de har fyllt 25 år.
* Anvisning får även göras för personer som fyllt 20 år, om de uppfyller villkoren för att få särskilt anställningsstöd i form av instegsjobb enligt förordningen (1997:1275) om anställningsstöd.
* Stödet lämnas endast till den som bedöms ha goda förutsättningar att driva företag och om verksamheten bedöms få en tillfredsställande lönsamhet och ge varaktig sysselsättning. Vidare får stödet inte snedvrida konkurrensförutsättningarna för annan verksamhet.
fredag 11 december 2009
Ditt Företag Behöver engagemang
Last day at VFU, finally!!!! It was a good day with nice pupils. I tried to work on my grammar analysis but it was too boring. And the textbook thing was just nonsese.When I came home I hurried to pray and then I ate homemade pizza with sallad it was yummy:P Then I slept for almost 3 hours!!!!! You get really tired when u teach. Now my brother and father are here so I have to leave we're having tea cosy:) So more about companies:
Ditt Företag behöver engagemang
"* Öva dig på att koppla bort saker som inte är relevanta just nu. Ställ dig frågan: Kan jag göra något åt det här problemet just nu? Om svaret är nej, slösa inte bort tid på att grubbla på det utan lägg krafterna på något annat. Det kanske inte är så lätt alla gånger men för mig hjälper det mycket att ställa frågan Det sorterar i alla fall bort en del av problemen.
* Stanna upp. När kysste du din fru/man senast? När tog du en heldag med dina barn? Ditt företag är viktigt men på lång sikt är det viktigare att du tar hand om dig själv
* Skaffa ett mantra. Det här företagets mantra är: Om du först ger dina kunder vad de helst vill ha, kommer du också till slut att få vad du vill ha. Vilket blir ditt mantra att hålla dig i när du ska få jobbet gjort?
* Nätverka. Det går inte att sitta i ett hål för sig själv och. Ta kontakt med tre företag som kompletterar ditt - och gör det idag. Berätta vad du gör och bjud in till ett samarbete.
* Bli en kunskapsresurs på Internet. Lägg ut information som hjälper dina besökare att bli bättre på ditt område. Är det bra information kommer de berätta det för sina vänner och resultatet kommer snart att plinga till i din kassa.
* Skaffa en Dagobertburk. Som småföretagare har du alltid en miljon saker att göra och det finns bara ett visst antal timmar att göra dem på. När du får idéer om vad du skulle vilja testa - skriv ner dem och lägg dem i en burk och dra en lapp när det är lugnare och genomför aktiviteten som står på lappen. "
Ditt Företag behöver engagemang
"* Öva dig på att koppla bort saker som inte är relevanta just nu. Ställ dig frågan: Kan jag göra något åt det här problemet just nu? Om svaret är nej, slösa inte bort tid på att grubbla på det utan lägg krafterna på något annat. Det kanske inte är så lätt alla gånger men för mig hjälper det mycket att ställa frågan Det sorterar i alla fall bort en del av problemen.
* Stanna upp. När kysste du din fru/man senast? När tog du en heldag med dina barn? Ditt företag är viktigt men på lång sikt är det viktigare att du tar hand om dig själv
* Skaffa ett mantra. Det här företagets mantra är: Om du först ger dina kunder vad de helst vill ha, kommer du också till slut att få vad du vill ha. Vilket blir ditt mantra att hålla dig i när du ska få jobbet gjort?
* Nätverka. Det går inte att sitta i ett hål för sig själv och. Ta kontakt med tre företag som kompletterar ditt - och gör det idag. Berätta vad du gör och bjud in till ett samarbete.
* Bli en kunskapsresurs på Internet. Lägg ut information som hjälper dina besökare att bli bättre på ditt område. Är det bra information kommer de berätta det för sina vänner och resultatet kommer snart att plinga till i din kassa.
* Skaffa en Dagobertburk. Som småföretagare har du alltid en miljon saker att göra och det finns bara ett visst antal timmar att göra dem på. När du får idéer om vad du skulle vilja testa - skriv ner dem och lägg dem i en burk och dra en lapp när det är lugnare och genomför aktiviteten som står på lappen. "
torsdag 10 december 2009
Ja företag och mera företag my gr8 readers:P
Today was a real tough day I think I jinxed myself yesterday:P. I came home at 15.30 after a day with yelling kids:P Anyhow I came home and went directly to sleep. Now I'm doing nothing and lately I feel like I dont have anything intresting to say so to say nothing is better. A few of you have been nagging and asking me Why I am writing about companies and I told u guyz its a test and cope with it:P :P I'm glad my VFU will end tomorrow because I hate waking up so early ughhh. Now I wanna go up to my sister cause Im so bored!!!! How was your day?
För att lyckas med ditt företag bör du:
* "Jobba hårt för att nå dina mål varje dag, varje vecka och varje månad till du har nått dina delmål. När du når ett delmål, sätt dem lite högre varje gång. Att sätta mål är otroligt viktigt för din framgång, det gör dig motiverad.
* Var inte något kunderna kan trampa runt på som de vill och behagar. Besvärliga kunder som ger dig ont i magen kan du göra dig av med.
* Vägra ge upp. Det är bara den som ger upp som förlorar.
* Ta väl hand om dina kundregister. Det är det dyraste du har.
* Investera i dig själv. Läs de bästa böckerna , gå på föreläsningar, seminarier.
* Var en person som dina barn skulle vilja umgås med.
* Fokusera på resan och inte målet. Allt handlar om att få resultat i slutänden men om du inte gillar det du gör så, vad är då meningen?
* Jobba hårt men lek ännu hårdare. Passa på att ta ledigt ibland. Ta en Weekend på en herrgård, få massage. Se det som investeringar och som betalning för de offer du gör för att hålla igång allt".
Källa :
För att lyckas med ditt företag bör du:
* "Jobba hårt för att nå dina mål varje dag, varje vecka och varje månad till du har nått dina delmål. När du når ett delmål, sätt dem lite högre varje gång. Att sätta mål är otroligt viktigt för din framgång, det gör dig motiverad.
* Var inte något kunderna kan trampa runt på som de vill och behagar. Besvärliga kunder som ger dig ont i magen kan du göra dig av med.
* Vägra ge upp. Det är bara den som ger upp som förlorar.
* Ta väl hand om dina kundregister. Det är det dyraste du har.
* Investera i dig själv. Läs de bästa böckerna , gå på föreläsningar, seminarier.
* Var en person som dina barn skulle vilja umgås med.
* Fokusera på resan och inte målet. Allt handlar om att få resultat i slutänden men om du inte gillar det du gör så, vad är då meningen?
* Jobba hårt men lek ännu hårdare. Passa på att ta ledigt ibland. Ta en Weekend på en herrgård, få massage. Se det som investeringar och som betalning för de offer du gör för att hålla igång allt".
Källa :
onsdag 9 december 2009
På väg mot ditt företag!
An awsome day! Why??
I had a great Great day at VFU, some kids were annoying but I geuss that's just beeing a kid. Then I got home made food and headed for town with Nana, we went shopping and then we met some old friends from Gothenburg. IT was awsome , its nice to see how people grow. A postive thing was that we had FIKA! After that I went to my father's , and now I am at mys sister's so yea to conclude I had an awsome day( alhamdullaih) . Inshalla tomorrow will be good too :D
Hope ur day was gr8 too:)
På väg mot ditt Företag!
* Skicka ut 25 säljbrev varje vecka oavsett vad du har på gång. Gör det till en vana att göra det, till exempel varje fredag. Det skapar möjligheter men ger dig också en känsla av att saker alltid är på gång
* Tänk stort. För att du just nu råkar ha ett företag där du är själv betyder inte att du inte kan tänka stort och vinna stort.
* Lär dig att alltid utvärdera händelser. Positiva som negativa. Vad kan göras bättre. Vad hände.
* Sluta "försöka" göra saker. Antingen gör du saker eller så gör du dem inte. Lura inte dig själv.
* Tänk långsiktigt. Ha i fokus att hålla kunden kvar i tjugo år. Lär dig att sätta mål
* Ha förtroende för din idé. Om du har det får andra det också.
* Gör en lista på 10 saker du gillar med dig själv. Om du bara hittar 5 jobba till listan är full.
* Sätt ett mål för det här året. Skriv ner det på baksidan av ditt visitkort och ha det i fickan.
* Var kundernas vän. Var ärlig. Göm inte undan nackdelar, det får du bara bittert ångra.
* Gör det lätt för kunderna att lämna synpunkter på ditt företag
I had a great Great day at VFU, some kids were annoying but I geuss that's just beeing a kid. Then I got home made food and headed for town with Nana, we went shopping and then we met some old friends from Gothenburg. IT was awsome , its nice to see how people grow. A postive thing was that we had FIKA! After that I went to my father's , and now I am at mys sister's so yea to conclude I had an awsome day( alhamdullaih) . Inshalla tomorrow will be good too :D
Hope ur day was gr8 too:)
På väg mot ditt Företag!
* Skicka ut 25 säljbrev varje vecka oavsett vad du har på gång. Gör det till en vana att göra det, till exempel varje fredag. Det skapar möjligheter men ger dig också en känsla av att saker alltid är på gång
* Tänk stort. För att du just nu råkar ha ett företag där du är själv betyder inte att du inte kan tänka stort och vinna stort.
* Lär dig att alltid utvärdera händelser. Positiva som negativa. Vad kan göras bättre. Vad hände.
* Sluta "försöka" göra saker. Antingen gör du saker eller så gör du dem inte. Lura inte dig själv.
* Tänk långsiktigt. Ha i fokus att hålla kunden kvar i tjugo år. Lär dig att sätta mål
* Ha förtroende för din idé. Om du har det får andra det också.
* Gör en lista på 10 saker du gillar med dig själv. Om du bara hittar 5 jobba till listan är full.
* Sätt ett mål för det här året. Skriv ner det på baksidan av ditt visitkort och ha det i fickan.
* Var kundernas vän. Var ärlig. Göm inte undan nackdelar, det får du bara bittert ångra.
* Gör det lätt för kunderna att lämna synpunkter på ditt företag
tisdag 8 december 2009
Planera ditt företag noga!
I'm still at my VFU and yea ist getting to much but I have to keep up:S . I was at kindergarden today, with my baby dose haidar, it was kinda fun. Nana, Shala and I became like children again with all the toys:P That's about me today :D
Om ni undrar varför jag skriver om företag så är det faktiskt en tjänst ;) I alla fall här kommer nästa inlägg om stora och små företag ni får hålla ut några dagar till :P
Planera din start
Om ni undrar varför jag skriver om företag så är det faktiskt en tjänst ;) I alla fall här kommer nästa inlägg om stora och små företag ni får hålla ut några dagar till :P
Planera din start
Affärsplanen är ett verktyg som hjälper dig att planera din företagsstart. I affärsplanen beskriver du hur du ska genomföra din affärsidé så att du får tydliga mål för din verksamhet. Tänk noga igenom din affärsidé innan du startar. Beskriv
- vilken vara eller tjänst du vill sälja,
- vem som ska köpa varan eller tjänsten,
- hur marknaden ser ut,
- fördelar och nackdelar jämfört med konkurrenterna.
Affärsplanen ska utvecklas med företaget
Affärsplanen behöver du inte minst för dig själv. Först när du själv har ett bra grepp om vad du vill göra i ditt företag och hur det ska gå till kan du på ett övertygande sätt få andra att lyssna och bli intresserade.
Även leverantörer och kunder kan ha ett intresse av att se din affärsplan. Affärsplanen ska leva med ditt företags utveckling och uppdateras löpande.
Även leverantörer och kunder kan ha ett intresse av att se din affärsplan. Affärsplanen ska leva med ditt företags utveckling och uppdateras löpande.
måndag 7 december 2009
Små och Stora företag
Jag ska skriva på svenska i en vecka nu anledningen till detta är att jag vill skriva om att hur det är att öppna ett nytt företag. En av mina närmaste ska göra det och om jag ska vara ärlig så har jag tänkt på det med. Jag ska i en hel vecka ge tips och råd på vad man ska göra för att öppna ett företag online . Allt du behöver är en IDEE för att öppna ett företag.
Här är 10 tips som man hjälpa dig om du vill ha en kompanjon:
1. Har den här personen kunskaper som jag inte har, som kompletterar mig och mina kunskaper?
2. Delar den här personen mina värderingar, etiska ideal och mål för företaget?
3. Klarar den här personen konflikter med kunder (I klarspråk - kan han/hon ta lite skit ibland utan att världen rasar ihop och han/hon måste ge igen)?
4. Har den här personen ett sunt förhållande till sitt ego?
5. Klarar den här personen stress?
6. Har den här personen klart för sig att företagande inte är glassigt jobb, utan ett slitgöra som man måste gilla för att lyckas med det?
7. Är den här personen uthållig och målinriktad?
8. Kommer dina kunder gilla den här personen?
9. När ni står inför olika val i företaget och tycker olika - kommer ni att kunna komma fram till en lösning som båda kan leva med?
10. Sist men inte minst - gillar ni varandra och uppskattar varandras olikheter?
2. Delar den här personen mina värderingar, etiska ideal och mål för företaget?
3. Klarar den här personen konflikter med kunder (I klarspråk - kan han/hon ta lite skit ibland utan att världen rasar ihop och han/hon måste ge igen)?
4. Har den här personen ett sunt förhållande till sitt ego?
5. Klarar den här personen stress?
6. Har den här personen klart för sig att företagande inte är glassigt jobb, utan ett slitgöra som man måste gilla för att lyckas med det?
7. Är den här personen uthållig och målinriktad?
8. Kommer dina kunder gilla den här personen?
9. När ni står inför olika val i företaget och tycker olika - kommer ni att kunna komma fram till en lösning som båda kan leva med?
10. Sist men inte minst - gillar ni varandra och uppskattar varandras olikheter?
söndag 6 december 2009
Eid Ghadir Mubarak
First I want to wish everyone an Eid Ghadir Mubarak , Yesterday I promised to post a contribution about Eid Al Ghadir so here it comes:
On 18th Zilhajjah of the year 10 A.H. (10 March 632 CE) ,after completing the last pilgrimage ,the Holy Prophet(pbuh) along with around 100,000 Muslims reached a place called 'Ghadir-e-khumm' near Mecca. It was near the end of his blessed life, Prophet Muhammad had been uneasy. There was a potential for disunity in the nascent Muslim community. Muhammad declared his own son-in-law and cousin, Ali ibn Abu Taleb, as his spiritual and secular heir publicly at God's command. After declaring Hazrat Ali his successor by raising his hand and calling him the true leader of Muslims after himself, Prophet Muhammad called on Muslims to give allegiance to their Imam. All Muslims declared allegiance to Imam Ali as the leader of the believers by congratulating him on this great honor. The Holy Prophet asked at Ghadir Khumm, "Am I not more precious to you than your own-selves? In response to this question Muslims said "Yes, you are dearer to us than our own lives."The Prophet responded with, "O God, be witness to their admission. Ali is the master of one who acknowledges me to be his master. O God, love those who love Ali. Help those who help Ali. Desert those who desert Ali. I am the city of knowledge and Ali is the gate."
This is just a breif intoduction to what happened, if you wanna know more u can visit the pages I on the bottom of this post :)
On this Eid I want to send my congratulations to my Imam, Imam al Mahdi ( 3) may we see you very soon , and to Ahul al bayt (3) This is the one of greates muslim Eids and I hope everyone has a lovely time with friends and family.
On this Eid I want to send my congratulations to my Imam, Imam al Mahdi ( 3) may we see you very soon , and to Ahul al bayt (3) This is the one of greates muslim Eids and I hope everyone has a lovely time with friends and family.
( I used this information from the following pages:§ionid=3510304) and
lördag 5 december 2009
One more day
Tomorrow is the day I've been wating for , it's the day of joy! Its Eid al Ghadir. I will post inforamtion about this Eid tomorrow. As for now I don't really have a lot to say . I'm sorry, but on weekends I just wanna rest and spend some time with my hubby. I think most of us look forward to the weekend just to chill and do nothing. To wake up at 12 without feeling guilty yeah well that's life. No but seriously if u really wanna know I just cleaned the house and studied. Or should I say "tried to study". I tend to do other stuff while I'm studying :p I'm sure most of u feel do the same thing. This is it for now
Good night !
Good night !
fredag 4 december 2009
What happened?
My second lesson was about to begin when suddenly everything turned black, What happend? First I thought that a couple of kids had been playing around with the doors and lights (as they always do) but the I realized that the power was off everywhere. Then came th reaction among both students and teachers, students ran around like savages in the building yelling and laughing, many of which were my students :s:.s what was I supposed to do, I had to think fast!! I decided to have a lesson in the dark anyway , that way the chaos would decrease surely! Well beleive me finding students in the the dark is as hard as it sounds, but I did it. As they were working with only light from the outside, I started thinking about how attached we are to modern society. How one hour without power can make our whole world upside down, how attatched we are to our machines. What if all electricity went out for ever would we be able to survive? I heard that once in New York the power was off for about and hour, on this hour people went nuts and robbings, rapes and killing rates went sky high!
I'm glad the power was off for only 15 minutes or so, but we managed to send all the kids home. I however had to stay at school to correct tests yuuuk. When I got home I was really tired I decided to eat before I rest, this took me a while . I made swedish meatballs with pommes fries yummy . The funniest thing was that when my hubby got home I asked him how he reacted to the power being off. He had'nt reacted at all : HE WAS STILL SLEEPING hhahaha ( lucky him) Now I'm sitting in my room, feeling very tired from a hectic day so I better leave. Hope ur day was better than mine
Peace be upon you
torsdag 3 december 2009
Have u ever cheated??
When I left my VFU today it was dark outside, i left at 16.00 yuukhh. I had been making sure that none of the students cheated on a test. Yea righ,t a lot of them did I can assure you. But what can you do , u try to overlook it once, twice but then it gets to obvious so you have to say something. I did but they were not so happy about that. This made me think about the times I cheated, I must say that they are not many because well I'm great anyways:P:P no but I think the real reason is that I was too scared to cheat. Imagine the humilation .: My mind wandered further and further when I thought about people who cheat on eachother and .I hate when people pretend they are somthing when they are not. Are we so narrow minded that we think that it will pass. That everything will be ok, there is a saying, that I like: What goes around comes around. Now I'm talking about more serious kind of cheating:PP Well back to my day, VFU is killing me just because its so boring we are not supposed to teach this period just to be there and observe . I think I learn better when I teach because then I'm in control and not like now a fake teacher or in örsis words stupid non-teacher. Anwyays I also went to my interview today, it went Ok I'm not sure if I get it or not but well see. When I got home I prayed and went to sleep. I woke up to see my dad and brothers here. My stomach reminded me that It had only had ice-cream all day and the clock was almost 19.00 so I decided to have pizza yummy. Now I'm sitting alone as usual my hubby went to a buy something I dont know what( I hope its something for me:D) but he'll be back soon. Okay God be with you and remember me in your prayers :)
onsdag 2 december 2009
I miss my life:P
I'm so stupid I thought I had an interview today but obviously its tomorrow, well I'm glad I found out in time it would'nt look so good not to show up:P Well today was a good day it was long but on the other hand I had a long break so I came home just to chill for 2 hours lovley!! The bad thing though was that my friends met up in town because there was a market but I could'nt join them .God I miss shopping, I admit I'm a real shopaholic but I've been doing better, I'm trying to avoid town as much as possible ( we'll see how that goes:P).But I often feel the need to get something, I geuss being away from uni is good for my wallet:P And besides,I did'nt wanna skip lessons since I have the day off tomorrow, I dont wanna re-do my VFU, in a way I just want to get it over with, I like when we're at the university we have a lot of fika :P :P. When I came home I watched tv and rested. Then I watched Grey's anatomy it was great!!! But the last episode for this year well next year is close so don't be sad!!!
Well now I need to prepare my stuff for tomorrow cause i wake up at 7.45 and I start at 8.20 amazing huuh
tisdag 1 december 2009
Funny pictures :D
I'm so tired !! and it feels I have nothing to say well I've done nothing today but I hope tomorrow is better I have a job interview and then I'm off to "the market" . ofcourse I have to go to my VFU in the morning :S
Anyway I dont have so much to say so I though I would share these nice pictures with u ( found them on my brother page:P)
måndag 30 november 2009
Day 1 at my VFU- one step closer to Christmas Break !
This was my first day at my VFU. I really like my VFU-place just because it's so close to home. And I know most of the kids so that's great. The day was okay, but i get so tired when I get home. Maybe it's because I'm used to silence and my VFUschool is everything but silent. Kids running around, nagging, arguing well it's like any other high school in the world. When I came home I was so exhausted so I just ate and went to bed. My hubby was at my dad's as usual :P. When I woke and I was hungry well not really hungry just in a mood for something sweet so I forced him to take me to Willy's to get something sweet:D.
Now to something else, latley a few people have entred my life and I don't know hów to feel about that ´, I mean it's so hard to trust new people . My policy is it takes one whole year to see if they are firiend material . And sometimes even your closest friends betray you. How should u do and whom should u trust? My mum used to tell me never to give away all my secrets to anyone( except for her ofcourse hahha she said). To some extent that's true never give away information that could backfire, but I believe that u can test ur friends. Tell them a secret and see if they can keep it. If they can they are probably good friends.
Well I hope i did not bore u with my friendship "speach" :p Now I'm sitting at my sister's , my husband and sister's husband are talking amd making me unable to write and think ( Like sooo disturbing) :P
Now I'm gonna see what my sister has in her frigde :P hope its something good
See you all!
söndag 29 november 2009
Stuffed Zucchini lovely!!!
I woke up like a crazy peson today, my hubby told me that the clock was 2 when it was only 10. When I asked him why he did that he just laughed and said : I told you it was 14.00 minus 4 hours . Not so fun for me though. The rest of the day consised of cleaning the house and washing the dishes. The house looked like a mess I'm glad none saw that:P:P But now it looks excellent so ur welcome to check:P
I aslo made food , I did "Kousa ", its a Lebanese dish, its zucchini stuffed with meat and rice . I forgot how to do it soI called my mother in law to ask her how. Oh boy she had a good laugh but then she told me . It turned out excellent hihih. Teta came by but she was not so happy to hear that I was doing this dish. Well teta its lovely u should taste! If you wanna know how to prepare this dish you can go I was stupid enough to forget that u can get recipes online duuuuuh. Tomorrow my VFU begins and I'm not that thrilled , I hate thinking about the fact that I have to get up early EVERY day now, when I have univeristy I get 3 days off which I love. Well I should not complain I'm very lucky since my VFU place is very close to my house.
Now I'm just sitting alone watching Alexander the great on tv. My hubby is not here so I have the whole house to my self hihihi.
Anyways I'm gonna grab an ice-cream and continue watching the film . Have a great evening
lördag 28 november 2009
It's Finally Eid!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Eid or as we say "Eid Mubarak"to everyone . A speical Eid Mubarak to my friends and family who are living abroad. May Allah bless you all. When I think of Eid I remember my childhood. Back then, Eid for me was the happiest day, it was a day when we got presents and we could stay up until midnight ( that's woow in our family:P). The last couple of years I've felt that Eid or any feast day for that matter have not been so crucial. It's a day like any other day, but today was different. Today I really felt that it was Eid, maybe because I dressed up and we had a family gathering at my dad's. We were all there including teta who's an important part of my family.
Another important aspect of my day was that I finally did the Language History test. I finsihed first, like the exam started at 9.15 and I finsihed at 10.00 I hope that's a good sign:S :S. Afterwards we all went out and talked , it was nice to talk about something besides the test :D
Well now Im really tired cause I did not sleep so well yestedy so I ought to rest ;) And again my friends Happy Eid to everyone without any exeptions :D
PS: If you wanna know more about Eid and Hajj you can visit this great site ( it's in Swedish though)
fredag 27 november 2009
The day consisted of a number great stuff. I had two lessons ( not so great) but I was glad that our teacher could sort some stuff out for the upcoming test tomorrow. After school me and my friends went to Coffehouse for a swedish ""fika". For those of u who dont know what fika means here is the proper explanation: "Coffe break" ( according to Nordsteds Dictionary.) Sweds are just crazy about their fika and if I must admit I'm crossing over to that side hhihihiih. Well, that might be due to the fact that we seem to be having a lot of fikas these days, but that's just great:D We did not stay for long because as u know I have a freaking test tomorrow which by the way I have to study for:Paaaaaaaaaaaah
When I came home I went up to my sister to get my baby dose ( my baby dose has grown big and he is not a a baby anymore, still cute though :**)Then I ate and slept I was to tired to study and then teta came and woke me up arggg (kidding). We had a great time I love when teta's here she an awsome friend. She even helped me study:P Well we mostly laughed but anyways. Today or tomorrow is Eid I'm not sure actually, but for u who celebrated eid today EID MUBARAK, I hope u had a great day.Now the clock is about 23.15 and I have to to study some more on Language History. Hopfully I will be able to squeeze in the information:p if not well bad things happen
Now I'm Out gotta read and read :p
torsdag 26 november 2009
Resting but to what Cost?
Today was the first day I could "rest", I decided not to do anything maybe a bad call since I have a test in two days but well I could not focus. Language History is just to much right now, I even had a bad dream about it can It get worse:S yuuuk. I dreamt that I was doing the test and I did not know how to answer:S:S I'm thinking about the test even when I am supposed to be resting :S:S:S:
Well a good thing today was that I went shopping yaaay;) I got a lovley jacket. However, The highlight of my day was probably when talked to my mother and sister in Lebanon through Skype, I love skype, what's not to love, free video and phonecalls :P I miss them so much I misss my life there. Sometime it seems like I wanna leave everything here and go back. Go back to my neighborhood, back to my house just to go back. I don't know why I'm so attatched to that lifestyle , maybe because there is always action there ur always doing something. Here it seems like you're watching you're life SLOWLY passing infront of you . One thing that helps me through this depressing life:P is the presence of my family and friends .
Right now my Dad is here with my brothers its always nice with company, they're watching a boring tv-show but I'm just glad to have someone here so I wont study hahahah. Teta tried to force me into studing today but no I can't do it well I'll be sorry tomorrow. Now I have to go , I start at 9 tomorrow because I have an appointment at the University.
See you all ;)
Well a good thing today was that I went shopping yaaay;) I got a lovley jacket. However, The highlight of my day was probably when talked to my mother and sister in Lebanon through Skype, I love skype, what's not to love, free video and phonecalls :P I miss them so much I misss my life there. Sometime it seems like I wanna leave everything here and go back. Go back to my neighborhood, back to my house just to go back. I don't know why I'm so attatched to that lifestyle , maybe because there is always action there ur always doing something. Here it seems like you're watching you're life SLOWLY passing infront of you . One thing that helps me through this depressing life:P is the presence of my family and friends .
Right now my Dad is here with my brothers its always nice with company, they're watching a boring tv-show but I'm just glad to have someone here so I wont study hahahah. Teta tried to force me into studing today but no I can't do it well I'll be sorry tomorrow. Now I have to go , I start at 9 tomorrow because I have an appointment at the University.
See you all ;)
onsdag 25 november 2009
WHYYYY ?????????
I turn and puff, with bloodshot eyes I look up at the ceiling. Am I supposed to be doing this again??? When will this end!!! If you thought I was a vampire you were wrong I'm just having insomnia problems. I can't beleive I'm doing this to myself again! I'm enetring a bad circle again, a circle without strucure or form. Yesterday, I coul'nt go to sleep, I was sleepless :S I tried really hard , I thought about relaxing things, about not to overthink stuff but nothing seemed to work. I had a similar problem 3 years ago but that lasted almost a month, I hope it does not happen this time. To make things worse , when I finally managed to sleep my phone rang at 8.00 It was from my "workplace", they wanted me to be at work at 8.20 hehhe imagine how stressful thaat was!!! The day there was Ok , kids running all over the place as usual . Geuss which Subject I had? Did you geuss hahah If u know me well you'll never beleive it. I HAD MATH!! God I hate math, I don't know why I said yes to that:p well I gess it was OK. Like any other class I've had.
Anways I came home around 12.00 and ate and went to bed again, I was very glad to sleep for almost 2 hours without any disturbance My hubby was at school :P:P( I needed that I can tell ya) .
Right now I'm watching tv and chatting ( as usual) ; I should be studying but I don't know why I am not. Maybe I just like to suffer and feel the pain of studying the day before hahhaha, I'm laughing now but I'll be crying on friday :S ;S
Finally, If you know a good tip that can help me sleep fast , don't hesitate to tell me
Love ya!!
Right now I'm watching tv and chatting ( as usual) ; I should be studying but I don't know why I am not. Maybe I just like to suffer and feel the pain of studying the day before hahhaha, I'm laughing now but I'll be crying on friday :S ;S
Finally, If you know a good tip that can help me sleep fast , don't hesitate to tell me
Love ya!!
tisdag 24 november 2009
Confused :S :S
Today was a tough day. Well not so much but still. First I had Didactics ( usggghh) and then Translation. Translation is kind of ok I think , we laugh a lot during that session that's probably why:P
Then I went to my Daddy, he was not at home :S. But my lovley brothers were , we made food, chicken and rice yummyyyyyyyyyyyy:P . Then I watched Tv which was kind of boring. I actually had a lot to do but now that I think about it , my day was boring:P hahah no but the highlight of my day was probably when my hubby took me to get ICE Cream. ( that's just sad hahah) And seeing teta ofcourse :*
One thing that's annoying me is my next subject. I'm going to become an English teacher ( it might not show on my writing here but still:P) and I have to choose a second subject, I'm thinking about taking Swedish as a Second Language but today I found out that it takes almost 2 years to complete that course:S So now I'm stuck with psychology. I hope I get a job when I finish my education:S
well enough about my problems I have to "study now"
måndag 23 november 2009
Amazing Coco!!!!!!!!!
Today I had a really good day . I woke up at 11 and had breakfast alone. My hubby was off to Stockholm to do some buisiness :S I miss him. Anyways . Next, I went to my univeristy to return a bok to Örsi. I was glad to find both Em and Örsi "studying". It was great meeting them ;) . And to make my day even better, teta showed up and we all decided to head for CoffeHouse There,. I had a great coco , usually I don't like the coco they have but this time it was amazing, maybe due to the go company I'm very blessed to have good friends in my life , they make the hard days seem lighter;). Later teta and I went windowshopping :S which is very sad for a shopohlic like myself. I love to shop not to WATCH amazing valuables:P!!
Anhooo:P ( this one is for u em:P), now im siting at my sisters while her son haidar seems to have a sugar rush:P Masha2alla he has loads of enegry , running around like crazy:P
Well this was my day, now Im hugry and tired and I want to spend some quality time with my lovley family and sister TETA
söndag 22 november 2009
A Love Story
Woow I cant't beleive it , this is my second contribution today!. Well the truth is a lot of you guyz have asked me about the movie I saw so I though I would tell u about it. Well Friday night I was off to Vänersborg with Irsa, Emma and Jenny to se the movie NEW MOON. I though it was good waaaaaay better than the first one. For those of you who have not seen Twilight you should see it to understand the plot. Maybe to many "making out scenes" in NEw MOON but besides that it was entertaining... Although they had taken away some chapters from the book, it remained welldone. Nontheless, it was a great experience but i wish teta was with me but she bailed on Me .
Well if u wanna know more u gotta PAY and go see it yourself no more insider secrets from me :P
Well if u wanna know more u gotta PAY and go see it yourself no more insider secrets from me :P
The World Against YoU???
Have you ever felt that the whole world is against you? That you're ready to give up? I'm sure most of us have had this sad feeling. A feeling that nearly takes over your everyday life, that not only destroys you but also the people close to you. I must admit I had this feeling a couple of days ago. I was off to see the film New Moon ( it was awsome by the way) but somehow it did not feel right. I felt like I did not want to see anyone, almost like I did not deserve to have fun.Now that I think about it it feels kind of silly and Alhamdulliah this feelings took off due to friends and family. But the main reason that I felt better was that I thought about how small my problems were comparing to others. Surley, my problems can not be compared to my Imam's who lost his whole family, friends and in the end was a martyr himself .Or if I think about God's greatness I shall not remember my prblems. So the next time you're in trouble look up to the sky and consider the greatness.
måndag 16 november 2009
I know I have not been blogging for quite a while now but the truth is I've ben to lazy! Yes that's another part of me lazyness:P The past weeks I'v been living life like usual. However, I'm dissapointed with myself for not reconnecting with my religious self.I don't know why but it has not been so good latley, mabe I've had too much to do. I know its a bad excuse but I don't know how to explain my behaviour.I hope ALLAH will give me the strength to contioue on his great path.. Moving on to my boring day , today was a nice but tough day . I went to work came home prayed made food and went up to get my baby dose ( my nephew haidar). I can't survive without a baby dose a day haha I know it sound crazy but that's just me. Now Im still sitting at my sister's and is almost gonna drop dead , that's how tired I am. So yea this was my wohoo day hope u guyz had it more intresting !
Princess (that's MOI)
onsdag 7 oktober 2009
A glimt of my day
So here we go! Yesterday was a gr8 day I went shopping with my lovely shopaholic friend teta. She's just awesome when it comes to shopping. Although she's a shopahlic herself she wont let me spend any money!!
Well enough about that I wanna talk about something that really bothers me .This event happend a few days ago when I was walking to work( I work somtimes as a teacher) . Anyways, I'm walking and minding my own business as ususal when an old ignorant man in his car starts yelling and cursing. Luckely I was on the phone so I didnt go balistic on him. BUt really how ignorant can people be? The only reason he did that was bec Im wearing a viel! This kind of behaviour drives me nuts! Why can't people accept me for who I am and look beyond the viel?? I always tend to tell my self that it's bec people don't know about islam and that makes them afraid , just give them some time and they will come around. BUT no that's not It some people are just beyond saving! So to those people I say I'm a proud muslim who beleives in Allah and I'm not changing for nobody!!
måndag 5 oktober 2009
A new blog a new Perspective
Hey everyone!
I'd like to thank you for entering into my blog zone. I've been wanting to start my own blog for quite some time now but the truth is I did not know how and what to say. So, you might say that I stumbled into blogging through the back door. And to tell you the truth I'm still finding my footing. I tend to be a private person but I have strong ideas which I want to share. The opinions and thoughts that you will find her maybe unusual and somehow provoking but hopefully you'll find them interesting enough to stay.
I also serve many roles in my life and they are very important to me. But I still feel that I need to get in reacquainted with myself. This blog will also work as a communication platform for students and friends. I will blog about personal issues but at the same time I will take up important matters in general. So buckle up and join my journey!
I'd like to thank you for entering into my blog zone. I've been wanting to start my own blog for quite some time now but the truth is I did not know how and what to say. So, you might say that I stumbled into blogging through the back door. And to tell you the truth I'm still finding my footing. I tend to be a private person but I have strong ideas which I want to share. The opinions and thoughts that you will find her maybe unusual and somehow provoking but hopefully you'll find them interesting enough to stay.
I also serve many roles in my life and they are very important to me. But I still feel that I need to get in reacquainted with myself. This blog will also work as a communication platform for students and friends. I will blog about personal issues but at the same time I will take up important matters in general. So buckle up and join my journey!
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